How business can benefit of Digital Marketing from ZSM-E-Services?
Digital marketing strategies have changed in a specific way that large companies can cope with but small start-ups do not have these kinds of resources and needs. In this modern environment where consumers and businesses are always online, a well-implemented digital marketing strategy can bridge the gap between manufacturing and branding in Kolkata.
But with changing new trends and evolutionary communication channels, one thing remains as an element of continuous success with a credible well thought out plan. It is to create and identify different communication channels to go with industry trends so that any business can get digital success in Kolkata.
Introductory work: Preparation work for Digital Marketing:
All technological advances are constantly trying to destroy happiness. Before making a solid plan, we need to take the time to develop the different elements that your plan will use. Before you start planning, you need to identify some or more of its significant elements.
Setting goals:
For those who are just entering the field of online marketing or digital marketing, Neil Patel one of the greatest Digital Marketers of our generation made an important point to differentiate between goals, strategies and tactics. With the ocean of digital marketing resources, the inability to differentiate between the three can even make sense of where to start. Digital Marketing Plan.
The goal is the overall result you want to achieve. Many times, your first concern is to set a strategy (or mind-set about how to achieve your goals) and to suggest a specific action (strategy) to achieve that strategy. Provoked For example: If you run an e-commerce website, one goal might be to raise to $ 1,000 per week through social media. One strategy may be to reach out and expand the audience of the class to improve the situation. However, your strategy may be to use repositioning tools to help guide you through the sales funnel to achieve your goals.
Create a Customer Persona:
The best digital marketing strategy from ZSM-E-Services is based on the detailed roles of Our Customers’ buyers in Kolkata. The buyer represents our client’s ideal customer. These can be created through surveys and research, which will give them feedback on to set their businesses goals. The important thing is to build a buyer persona based on some much real data as possible. Basically, the role of your buyer is the type of customer that we are marketing for. Therefore, assumptions about goals can lead to the wrong strategy, which will only waste energy and resources.
So what kind of information does WEBZY MARKETING / ZSM-E-Services uses to streamline your personal business Goals?
Although it depends on your business type (B2B-B2C, high or low-cost products, etc.), there are these basic types of information you should submit:
· Quantity / Demography
· Business location
· Ages
· Income
· Job title
· Quality / Psychology
It includes answers to questions about goals, challenges, interests, and priorities of goals. Our Clients need to answer some questions first:
What kind of value Our Client’s product can bring to their customers?
Are their products capable of solving any day-to-day problems?
This requires some effort, as described in the buffer here. However, when we create your unique customer persona, we can create the right goal for the right person – this is an important part of our digital marketing strategy.
Digital marketing, mobile and social media became a vital part of the standard of living of individuals everywhere on the planet. over 4.5 billion individuals currently use the web, and social media users have crossed the 3.8 billion mark. Regarding our world’s population is already online, and also the latest trend shows that by the middle of this year, over half the world’s population is going to be victimized by social media.
Thanks to ZSM-E-Services Data Partner. Without them much of this year’s report would not have been possible:
· GlobalWebIndex
· Statista
· GSMA Intelligence
· SimilerWeb
· Locowise
Please note that the basic sources and reporting methods of some of ZSM-E-Services base data points have changed in the last few years, so the different numbers in our Digital Marketing 2021 collection in Kolkata will not be compared to similar data points in the previous report. For more details, please see the individual report’s subpart.

Why here in ZSM-E-Services, Social Media Marketing is given Top priority in Kolkata :
Applications are everywhere:
The data that SimilerWeb has shared with us shows that in 11 minutes we use mobile devices, mobile apps now create accounts for 10 minutes, while web browsing is only 9% of our mobile time. However, it should come as no surprise when we consider the range of application products available to mobile users today. Similarly, the web’s latest “Mobile State Report 2021” shows that games account for the largest share of mobile app downloads – one-fifth of total downloads – and 70% of global mobile app user spending. However, in terms of the percentage of total time spent on a mobile phone, gaming is not the largest type, as we will explore in the next section.
GlobalWebIndex data shows that we use apps in almost every aspect of our lives, whether it’s keeping in touch with family and friends, relaxing on the couch, managing finances, fitness or sex. Be related importantly, helping people find love is also a big business. Thunder earned more revenue in 2019 than any other non-gaming app, and Lonely Hart spent a total of 2.2 billion on all dating apps in 2019 – double the amount in the same category two years ago.
Despite the emergence of “progressive web applications”, our love of applications does not seem to be slowing down. With Ericsson’s latest figures, these figures show that the average user now spends more than 2021 on each connected smartphone.
We are really social animals:
On mobile devices and computers, GlobalWebIndex reports that each of us spends an average of 2 hours 24 hours a day on social media, an increase of 2 minutes per day compared to last year.
Here, the story also varies from country to country. Filipinos are the most active in Social Media in the world. Internet users between the ages of 16 and 64 spend an average of 4 hours on social platforms. However, on the other hand, the situation looks very different: Internet users in Japan spend an average of 45 minutes on social media.
But where do we spend all this social time – how big is the Tik Tok? Everything is revealed below.
Facebook is still dominant:
Despite various challenges over the years, Facebook is still at the forefront of social media, Kolkata. The number kept growing. This is what users can do through Facebook ad coverage, the platform’s self-serving advertising tool from ZSM-E-Services, showing that Facebook’s current audience is 1.95 billion, up from about 80% of the total number of MAUs last year. Compared to a few months ago, self-service advertising tools report that coverage in India, Spain and South Korea will be significantly reduced in early 2020. Overall, however, Facebook’s coverage has only increased by 1% in the last 3 months. one-third of the world’s adults within the age of 18 to 34 are reached via Facebook.
This time TikTok:
TikTok could be the hottest media story in 2019, and some big and often misrepresentations make headlines. However, a few months ago, Edge’s Tik Tak promotional sales deck gave a clear picture of what was happening.
Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat all report that their advertising audience has grown in the last few months, even for users aged 13-17. Strong growth is not limited to Tik-Tok.
While the media has been plagued by all the hype surrounding TikTok, some other social platforms have released some impressive numbers, down from the following percentage (100 million new users) last year.
Online betting, games and sports:
The latest data from GlobalWebIndex Kolkata shows that voice interface usage has increased by more than 9% over the past year, and 43% of Internet users aged 16 to 64 worldwide now offer voice search and voice over. Use air Use the access command on any device. Every month. In context, if this number is applied to the entire global Internet user base, it is equivalent to about 22 billion active users per month. However, it needs to be emphasized that the increase in volume is not just due to the use of smart speakers.
One-third of Internet users worldwide now use the voice interface on their mobile phones every month, but in Asia, the number is even higher: 40% of Indian Internet users say they switched to their mobile phones last month. The voice interface is used on the phone. used. And 42 are in China and an impressive 48 are in Indonesia.
Are doing. For example here in the ZSM-E-Services, Statista report states that no of people using a smartphone is increasing significantly. In a survey by Reuters’ Global Journalism Research Institute , Kolkata , 56 % of adults 18 years of age or older said they were “worried” about whether they were right or wrong online, compared to “over 16 years old.” The number of people under the age of 64 who use ad-blocking tools every month has also increased worldwide since the Digital Marketing from ZSM-E-Services, 2021 report, compared to 54% of individuals in a study last year.
(Downloadable content) People will spend more time watching other people’s games. In the past 30 days, a fifth of Internet users between the ages of 16 and 64 have watched live broadcasts of other people’s sports, and a seventh Internet user has watched eSports matches. Many marketers in the West are still skeptical about eSports.
These “dedicated” players play an average of 70 minutes of console games a day, but console gamers in India, Kolkata. Thailand, the Philippines and Saudi Arabia spend more than 90 minutes. People are willing to spend more and more money on sports. Gamers spent more than 150 150 billion on games back in 2021, an increase of nearly 10 % year on year, Kolkata, News reported.
Important Note: Don’t just rely on research Take a look at the internet and social media to see for yourself what happens.
People should get utmost priority Here in ZSM-E-Services , Kolkata :
Many like ZSM-E-Services, marketers we talk to around the world want to know if Tik-Tok will overtake Facebook in Kolkata & all over the work, whether VR will become “one thing” or what data I see through my regular world. He points to the “bottom” of these articles. The big thing is “digital marketing reports, but my answer to all these questions is the same: focus on people in Kolkata, not technology.”
In the long run, almost without exception, companies and brands in Kolkata that successfully meet people’s desires, needs and aspirations, not companies that catch trends, launch separate “viral” activities or start new ones. Toys are eager to try. And there is no clear brand strategy. Getting to know people will always help you.
Maintaining the latest technology trends For Digital Marketing is the biggest pressure facing marketers everywhere. Hopefully, our global digital marketing report based in Kolkata will help, but perhaps the better answer is less, not more. Do you need to try this new niche platform with millions of users, or is it better to focus your energy (and budget) on one platform?
Or two mature platforms with billions of active users? Will this shiny new toy really give your brand lasting success, or is it just a distraction from a happy quarterly project ? More importantly, it is a permanent solution that requires a steep learning curve (VR, no?) On the other hand, can you ignore Megatrend because it is not attractive to you? Games, voice interfaces, and eSports are very popular with global audiences, but they are under-represented in media reports, marketing plans, and brand budgets.
Important Note: In 2021, for ZSM-E-Services, Digital Marketing Expert in Kolkata use data-driven insights to identify some of the technologies and platforms that are critical to your brand’s success, not just add the latest fashion to your roadmap.